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Program / Learning Goals

Mathematics Learning Goals

Goal 1: Core Mastery

Students will acquire a background in the content and methodology of mathematics.

Objective 1. Students will understand and use basic concepts and techniques in algebra, calculus, probability, and other major topics.

Objective 2. Students will understand and use the definition/theorem/proof process.

Goal 2: Applications

Students will apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems.

Objective 1. Students will use problem-solving skills in a variety of applications.

Objective 2. Students will use appropriate technology.

Goal 3: Communication involving mathematics

Students will be able to receive and convey mathematical information.

Objective 1. Students will read, write, and analyze problem solutions.

Objective 2. Students will read, write, and analyze mathematical proofs.

Goal 4: Preparation for post-graduation experiences

Students will graduate with the mathematical knowledge necessary for their individual goals.

Objective 1. Graduates will be prepared for continued learning in mathematics.

Objective 2. Graduates will be properly prepared to pursue their intended mathematics oriented goals, whether related to teaching, advanced degrees, or other profession.

Data Science Learning Goals

Goal 1: Core Mastery

Students will acquire a background in the content and methodology of mathematics, computer science, and statistics. 

Objective 1: Students will understand and use concepts and techniques in calculus, linear algebra, probability, and discrete mathematics.  

Objective 2:  Students will understand and use algorithmic thinking and programming in a high-level language.

Objective 3: Students will understand and use concepts and techniques in data collection, analysis, modeling, and statistical inference.  

Goal 2: Applications

Students will apply knowledge in mathematics, statistics, and computer science to solve problems. 

Objective 1:  Student will choose, fit, and use mathematical models to solve problems.

Objective 2:  Students will use a high-level language to explore, visualize, and form hypotheses about data.

Objective 3:  Students will understand the connections between the knowledge domains of mathematics, computer science and statistics and use a variety of skills from these domains to solve problems. 

Goal 3: Communication

Students will conduct data-based investigations and effectively communicate their findings. 

Objective 1:  Students will receive raw data from a variety of sources and formats and then clean, transform, and structure the data for analysis.

Objective 2:  Students will communicate data-based findings visually, orally, and in writing.

Objective 3: Students will gain exposure to the ethical questions related to data science such as citation and data ownership and the security of data.

Page last updated: July 02, 2020