Student Orientation


Step 1: MyRIC
Step 2: Campus ID Card
Step 3: Student RIC Email
Step 4: Network Account
Step 5: Blackboard

Computer Accounts
List of Lab Software Applications
Technology Connections at RIC

Step 1: MyRIC

Student MyRIC/Network Account Information

If you are experiencing difficulty with MyRIC, please contact MIS helpdesk at (401) 456-9873

Rhode Island College Emergency Notification System

For information about Rhode Island College's emergency notification system, please go to 

Step 2: Campus ID Card

Campus ID Card
Your Campus Card identifies you as a member of the student body at RIC. You need it to access library resources, to enter secure locations, such as the dorms. You may also use your Campus Card as a debit card for vending machines, copiers and printers; and for your meal plans at Donovan Dining Center.

Campus Card Office is located in the Student Union. They will issue your Student ID card after verifying your identity and student status at the college.

More information on Campus Card

Step 3: Student RIC Email

Information about RIC Email

Step 4: RIC Network account

If you have not already been given a MyRIC/RIC email/network account contact the Help Desk at 456-8803 or email and ask for information about your account.

Student MyRIC/Network Account Information

Can I change my account name?
Usernames (account names) cannot be modified unless your name changes legally through marriage, divorce or other legal procedures.

Step 5: Blackboard

Blackboard is a popular Course Management System for accessing course assignments, quizzes, and handouts.

Logging on:

- Blackboard ID: Same password as your RIC email/network password
- Password: Same password as your RIC email/network password

If you cannot log in with the password you probably need to reset your password in password station. Go to plug in your ID and click on forgot password - it will ask you a couple of personal questions (social, birthdate etc.) and then for your new password. When you're done with that try logging into Blackboard again and it should work.

If for some reason it doesn't work (gives you an error) you can go to the FrontDesk at Horace Mann Tech Center and the Student Lab Monitors will fill out a form for you so that the administrator can change the password for you (they will also try changing it again with you there -it might help). This password change also changes the password for your RIC email account and your password to log into the computers at school as well.

Blackboard Student Support