Department of Psychology
Rhode Island College

Psychology 332: Adolescent Psychology

Instructor: Thomas E. Malloy, Ph.D.
Office: Horace Mann 068

Required Text:

     Santrock, J. W. (2003) Adolescence (9th Ed).
       Dubuque, IA: W. C. Brown.
Note: The textbook is available in the college bookstore.

Nature of the Course:

This course will provide a general introduction to physical, cognitive and social development during adolescence, and behavior change during this phase of the lifespan. Topics will include: Theories of adolescence research methods, biological changes, cognitive development, socialization, social relationships, sexuality, and identity. A general focus of the course will be on cultural moderation of these processes among adolescents.

Topics of the Course:

1.Introduction to AdolescenceChapter 1
2. Theories of Adolescence - I Chapter 2
3. Theories of Adolescence - II Chapter 2
4. Biological Change in Adolescence Chapter 3
5. Cognitive Development Chapter 4
6. Social Cognition and Interpersonal Perception Chapter 4
7. Peer Effects Chapter 6
8. Self Concept and Identity Chapter 9
9. Gender and Sex-role socialization Chapter 10
10. Socialization in the Family Chapter 5
11. Socialization in School Chapter 7
12. Adolescent Sexuality and Health Chapter 11
13. Culture and Adolescence Chapter 8
14. Summary and Integration Lecture Only

The outline above represents the sequence of topics that will be addressed in the course. Students are encouraged to read the assigned material prior to the lecture. Lectures will overlap with reading, however, topics not in the reading will regularly be discussed in class.

Course Requirements and Expectations:

1. Attendance at the lecture is strongly encouraged. A portion of the material to be presented in class is not in the textbook. Past experience suggests that success in this course is associated with regular class attendance, multiple reading of the assigned material, and sustained effort.

2. Examinations: There will be two examinations in this course. Examinations will include objectively (multiple choice and true/false) evaluated questions. Exams will measure: memory for important information from the readings and lectures, application of information in new ways, and relationships among the information presented in the course. Exams must be taken at the scheduled class period. Make-up exams will only be given in the rarest of circumstances (e.g., illness verified by a doctor's note). If you must miss an exam, it is your responsibility to inform me prior to the exam. Unexcused absence from an exam will result in zero points for that exam.

Examination I will cover topics from Weeks 1 to 7. Examination II will cover topics from Weeks 8 to 14. Exams will not be cumulative. Exam dates will be announced in class.

Course Grades:

Examinations Iand II, will each be worth 50 points. The final grade will be based on the percentage of possible points accumulated. Thus, there will be a total of 100 possible points in the course.

A = 90 - 100 percent of possible points
B = 80 - 89 percent of possible points
C = 70 - 79 percent of possible points
D = 60 - 69 percent of possible points
F < 60 percent of possible points